The Blue River is one of the most scenic rivers in the state and much of it has been designated Gold Metal Water. Most anglers concentrate their efforts above Green Mountain Reservoir and below Lake Dillon. The Blue River is known to be finicky, providing anglers with great success one day while being stubbornly tough the next.
Most anglers have a love/hate relationship with the Blue River and because of this you can often have the river all to yourself. There are several great public access points along Hwy. 9 below the town of Silverthorne. For anglers traveling with non-fishing partners, there are factory outlet stores in the town of Silverthorne and plenty of restaurants to choose from.
The Blue River is a year round fishery because it is dam released. Bug hatches pick up in the spring and continue all season long. During runoff, flows may be too high to wade, but will usually settle down my mid July. The Blue River is full of rainbows, browns, snake river cutthroat and even has a few brookies. Fall is definitely the prettiest time of year as the cottonwood and aspen trees light up along the river. If you are looking for a beautiful place to fish, fly fishing the Blue River is a must. Fishing the Blue River with a Denver fly fishing guide will get you into some of the more hard to find places.